"use client";
import gsap from "gsap";
import React, { RefObject, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
interface FavoriteStarButtonProps extends React.ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> {
children?: string;
onClick?: () => void;
const FavoriteStarButton: React.FC<FavoriteStarButtonProps> = ({ children = "Favorite", onClick }) => {
const buttonRef: RefObject<HTMLButtonElement> = useRef(null);
const [isActive, setIsActive] = useState(false); // To toggle active state
useEffect(() => {
const button = buttonRef.current;
if (button) {
const handleClick = (e: any) => {
if (button.classList.contains("animated")) {
// GSAP animations for the star
gsap.to(button, {
keyframes: [
"--star-y": "-36px",
"duration": 0.3,
"ease": "power2.out"
"--star-y": "48px",
"--star-scale": 0.4,
"duration": 0.325,
"onStart"() {
"--star-y": "-64px",
"--star-scale": 1,
"duration": 0.45,
"ease": "power2.out",
"onStart"() {
setTimeout(() => button.classList.remove("star-round"), 100);
"--star-y": "0px",
"duration": 0.45,
"ease": "power2.in"
"--button-y": "3px",
"duration": 0.11
"--button-y": "0px",
"--star-face-scale": 0.65,
"duration": 0.125
"--star-face-scale": 1,
"duration": 0.15
clearProps: true,
onComplete() {
// Additional GSAP animations for the star hole
gsap.to(button, {
keyframes: [
"--star-hole-scale": 0.8,
"duration": 0.5,
"ease": "elastic.out(1, 0.75)"
"--star-hole-scale": 0,
"duration": 0.2,
"delay": 0.2
// Rotate the star
gsap.to(button, {
"--star-rotate": "360deg",
"duration": 1.55,
"clearProps": true
// Attach click event listener
button.addEventListener("click", handleClick);
// Cleanup event listener on component unmount
return () => {
button.removeEventListener("click", handleClick);
}, [isActive]);
return (
<div className="flex items-center justify-center">
<button ref={buttonRef} className={`favorite-button ${isActive && "active"}`} onClick={onClick}>
<div className="icon">
<div className="star"></div>
<style jsx>{`
.favorite-button {
--background-default: #313440;
--text-color-default: #fafbff;
--star-color-default: #62677c;
--star-face-color-default: #1f2128;
--star-color-active: #f6c206;
--star-face-color-active: #845901;
--star-hole: #16181e;
--star-hole-inner: #20232c;
--button-y: 0px;
--star-y: 0px;
--star-scale: 1;
--star-rotate: 0deg;
--star-hole-scale: 0;
--star-face-scale: 1;
--text-x: 0px;
--text-o: 1;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
-webkit-appearance: none;
outline: none;
border: none;
background: none;
min-width: 125px;
padding: 12px 24px 12px 16px;
margin: 0;
font-family: inherit;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 500;
line-height: 19px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
cursor: pointer;
position: relative;
color: var(--text-color-default);
transform: translateY(var(--button-y)) translateZ(0);
&:before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
border-radius: 9px;
transition: transform 0.2s;
transform: scale(var(--background-scale-x, 1), var(--background-scale-y, 1)) translateZ(0);
background: var(--background-default);
&:active {
--background-scale-x: 0.98;
--background-scale-y: 0.96;
span {
display: block;
opacity: var(--text-o);
transform: translateX(var(--text-x));
.icon {
width: 36px;
height: 119px;
display: flex;
pointer-events: none;
position: relative;
clip-path: ellipse(150% 50% at 50% 50%);
margin: -100px 2px 0 -8px;
&:before {
content: "";
margin-top: auto;
display: block;
width: 36px;
height: 12px;
background: var(--star-hole);
box-shadow: inset 0 3px 0 0 var(--star-hole-inner);
border-radius: 100px / 30px;
transform: scale(var(--star-hole-scale));
transform-origin: 50% 100%;
.star {
width: 20px;
height: 19px;
position: absolute;
left: 8px;
bottom: 0;
transform: translateY(var(--star-y)) rotate(var(--star-rotate)) scale(var(--star-scale));
border-radius: var(--star-radius, 0px);
background: var(--star-color, var(--star-color-default));
clip-path: var(
polygon(10px 0, 13px 6px, 20px 7px, 15px 12px, 16px 19px, 10px 15px, 4px 19px, 5px 12px, 0 7px, 7px 6px)
clip-path 0.2s,
border-radius 0.2s,
background 0.2s;
&:after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
background: var(--star-face-color, var(--star-face-color-default));
background 0.2s,
box-shadow 0.2s;
&:before {
width: 2px;
height: 2px;
border-radius: 50%;
left: 7px;
top: 8px;
box-shadow: 4px 0 0 0 var(--star-face-color, var(--star-face-color-default));
transform: scaleY(var(--star-face-scale));
&:after {
width: 4px;
height: 2px;
border-radius: var(--star-face-radius, 2px 2px 0 0);
left: 8px;
top: 11px;
transition: border-radius 0.2s;
&.star-round {
--star-clip: polygon(10px 0, 20px 0, 20px 7px, 20px 12px, 20px 19px, 10px 19px, 0 19px, 0 12px, 0 7px, 0 0);
--star-radius: 50%;
&.active {
--star-color: var(--star-color-active);
--star-face-color: var(--star-face-color-active);
--star-face-radius: 0 0 2px 2px;
html {
box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
* {
box-sizing: inherit;
&:after {
box-sizing: inherit;
export default FavoriteStarButton;